interface Runtime {
    _blockInfo: ExtensionInfo[];
    _cloneCounter: number;
    _editingTarget: null | RenderedTarget;
    _hats: Record<string, HatInfo>;
    _lastStepTime: number;
    _primitives: Record<string, Function>;
    _steppingInterval: null | number;
    addonBlocks: Record<string, AddonBlock>;
    audioEngine: AudioEngine;
    cloudOptions: CloudOptions;
    compatibilityMode: boolean;
    compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
    currentMSecs: number;
    currentStepTime: null | number;
    debug: boolean;
    enforcePrivacy: boolean;
    executableTargets: RenderedTarget[];
    extensionManager: ExtensionManager;
    extensionStorage: ExtensionStorage;
    externalCommunicationMethods: Record<string, boolean>;
    flyoutBlocks: Blocks;
    fontManager: FontManager;
    frameLoop: FrameLoop;
    interpolationEnabled: boolean;
    ioDevices: IODevices;
    isPackaged: boolean;
    monitorBlocks: Blocks;
    origin: null | string;
    platform: { name: string; url: string };
    profiler: null | Profiler;
    redrawRequested: boolean;
    renderer: RenderWebGL;
    runtimeOptions: RuntimeOptions;
    sequencer: Sequencer;
    stageHeight: number;
    stageWidth: number;
    storage: GUIScratchStorage;
    targets: RenderedTarget[];
    threadMap: Map<string, Thread>;
    threads: Thread[];
    turboMode: boolean;
    v2BitmapAdapter?: BitmapAdapter;
    _generateAllProjectOptions(): unknown;
    _getMonitorThreadCount(threads: Thread[]): number;
        topBlockId: string,
        target: RenderedTarget,
        options?: { stackClick?: boolean; updateMonitor?: boolean },
    ): Thread;
    _restartThread(thread: Thread): void;
    _step(): void;
    _stopThread(thread: Thread): void;
    addAddonBlock(addonBlock: AddonBlockOptions): void;
    addCloudVariable(): void;
    addTarget(target: RenderedTarget): void;
        opcode: string,
        callback: (script: RuntimeScriptCache, target: RenderedTarget) => void,
        target?: RenderedTarget,
    ): void;
        callback: (blockId: string, target: RenderedTarget) => void,
        target?: RenderedTarget,
    ): void;
    attachAudioEngine(audioEngine: AudioEngine): void;
    attachRenderer(renderer: RenderWebGL): void;
    attachStorage(storage: ScratchStorage): void;
    attachV2BitmapAdapter(bitmapAdapter: BitmapAdapter): void;
    canAddCloudVariable(): boolean;
    changeCloneCounter(changeAmount: number): void;
    clonesAvailable(): boolean;
    connectPeripheral(extensionID: string, peripheralId: number): void;
    convertToPackagedRuntime(): void;
    createNewGlobalVariable(variableName: string): ScalarVariable;
        variableName: string,
        variableId: string,
    ): ScalarVariable;
        variableName: string,
        variableId: string,
        type: "",
    ): ScalarVariable;
        variableName: string,
        variableId: string,
        type: "list",
    ): ListVariable;
        variableName: string,
        variableId: string,
        type: "broadcast_msg",
    ): BroadcastVariable;
    disableProfiling(): void;
    disconnectPeripheral(extensionID: string): void;
    dispose(): void;
    disposeTarget(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    emit<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
        ...args: EventEmitterArgs<RuntimeEventMap, K>,
    ): void;
    emitCompileError(target: RenderedTarget, error: unknown): void;
    emitProjectChanged(): void;
    emitProjectLoaded(): void;
    enableDebug(): void;
    enableProfiling(callback: (profilerFrame: ProfilerFrame) => void): void;
    findProjectOptionsComment(): null | Comment;
        newTarget: RenderedTarget,
        oldTarget?: RenderedTarget,
    ): void;
    fireTargetWasRemoved(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    generateDifferingProjectOptions(): unknown;
    getAddonBlock(procedureCode: string): AddonBlock;
    getAllVarNamesOfType(variableType: VM.VariableType): string[];
    getBlocksXML(target?: RenderedTarget): { id: string; xml: string }[];
    getEditingTarget(): null | RenderedTarget;
    getIsEdgeActivatedHat(opcode: string): boolean;
    getIsHat(opcode: string): boolean;
        opcode: string,
    ): undefined | { category: "extension"; label: string };
    getNumberOfCloudVariables(): number;
    getOpcodeFunction(opcode: string): Function;
    getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionID: string): boolean;
    getSpriteTargetByName(spriteName: string): undefined | RenderedTarget;
    getTargetByDrawableId(drawableID: number): undefined | RenderedTarget;
    getTargetById(targetId: string): undefined | RenderedTarget;
    getTargetForStage(): undefined | RenderedTarget;
    greenFlag(): void;
    hasCloudData(): boolean;
    isActiveThread(thread: Thread): boolean;
    isWaitingThread(thread: Thread): boolean;
    listeners<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
    ): EventEmitterCallback<RuntimeEventMap, K>[];
    moveExecutable(target: RenderedTarget, delta: number): void;
    off<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
        callback: EventEmitterCallback<RuntimeEventMap, K>,
    ): void;
    on<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
        callback: EventEmitterCallback<RuntimeEventMap, K>,
    ): void;
    once<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
        callback: EventEmitterCallback<RuntimeEventMap, K>,
    ): void;
    parseProjectOptions(): void;
    precompile(): void;
    quit(): void;
    removeCloudVariable(): void;
    removeExecutable(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    removeListener<K extends keyof RuntimeEventMap>(
        event: K,
        callback: EventEmitterCallback<RuntimeEventMap, K>,
    ): void;
    requestBlocksUpdate(): void;
    requestRedraw(): void;
    requestTargetsUpdate(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    requestToolboxExtensionsUpdate(): void;
    resetAllCaches(): void;
    scanForPeripheral(extensionID: string): void;
    setCompilerOptions(compilerOptions: Partial<CompilerOptions>): void;
    setEditingTarget(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    setEnforcePrivacy(enforcePrivacy: boolean): void;
    setExecutablePosition(target: RenderedTarget, newIndex: number): void;
    setExternalCommunicationMethod(method: string, enabled: boolean): void;
    setFramerate(framerate: number): void;
    setInEditor(inEditor: boolean): void;
    setInterpolation(interpolation: boolean): void;
    setRuntimeOptions(runtimeOptions: Partial<RuntimeOptions>): void;
    setStageSize(width: number, height: number): void;
    start(): void;
        opcode: string,
        matchFields?: Record<string, unknown>,
        target?: RenderedTarget,
    ): Thread[];
    stopAll(): void;
    stopForTarget(target: RenderedTarget): void;
    storeProjectOptions(): void;
        topBlockId: string,
        options?: { stackClick?: boolean; target?: string },
    ): void;
    updateCurrentMSecs(): void;
    updatePrivacy(): void;
    visualReport(blockId: string, value: any): void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)




_blockInfo: ExtensionInfo[]
_cloneCounter: number
_editingTarget: null | RenderedTarget
_hats: Record<string, HatInfo>
_lastStepTime: number
_primitives: Record<string, Function>
_steppingInterval: null | number

Interval ID returned by setInterval(). null if accessed before the project has started.

addonBlocks: Record<string, AddonBlock>
audioEngine: AudioEngine
cloudOptions: CloudOptions
compatibilityMode: boolean

If true, the runtime is running at 60 FPS. If false, the runtime is running at 30 FPS.

compilerOptions: CompilerOptions
currentMSecs: number
currentStepTime: null | number

The time of a step, measured in milliseconds. null if accessed before the project has started.

debug: boolean
enforcePrivacy: boolean
executableTargets: RenderedTarget[]
extensionManager: ExtensionManager
extensionStorage: ExtensionStorage
externalCommunicationMethods: Record<string, boolean>
flyoutBlocks: Blocks
fontManager: FontManager
frameLoop: FrameLoop
interpolationEnabled: boolean
ioDevices: IODevices
isPackaged: boolean

This refers to the "Remove raw asset data after loading to save RAM" option in the packager. Thus, this may be false even when the project has been packaged. To detect the packager, detect the precense of scaffolding instead.

monitorBlocks: Blocks
origin: null | string
platform: { name: string; url: string }
profiler: null | Profiler
redrawRequested: boolean
renderer: RenderWebGL
runtimeOptions: RuntimeOptions
sequencer: Sequencer
stageHeight: number
stageWidth: number
targets: RenderedTarget[]
threadMap: Map<string, Thread>
threads: Thread[]
turboMode: boolean
v2BitmapAdapter?: BitmapAdapter


  • Increment the value of the runtime's cloud variable counter. Check the value before you call this method; it will let the counter go above the limit. This method does not actually create a new cloud variable.

    Returns void

  • Returns true if the runtime's cloud variable counter is under the limit.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • extensionID: string
    • peripheralId: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • opcode: string

    Returns undefined | { category: "extension"; label: string }

  • Returns the value of the runtime's cloud variable counter.

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • extensionID: string

    Returns boolean

  • Find a sprite's original target (not a clone or stage) using the sprite's name. Returns undefined if the target doesn't exist.


    • spriteName: string

    Returns undefined | RenderedTarget

  • Returns true if the runtime's cloud variable counter is non-zero.

    Returns boolean

  • A thread is considered active if it is in the thread list and is not STATUS_DONE.


    Returns boolean

  • A thread is considered waiting if:

    • It is in STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT, or
    • It is in STATUS_YIELD_TICK, or
    • It is not considered active


    Returns boolean

  • Decrement the value of the runtime's cloud variable counter. Check the value before you call this method; it will let the counter go under 0. This method does not actually remove a cloud variable.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • enforcePrivacy: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • method: string
    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • width: number
    • height: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • topBlockId: string
    • Optionaloptions: { stackClick?: boolean; target?: string }

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • blockId: string
    • value: any

    Returns void