    | { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/SHOW_ALERT" }
    | {
        data: { extensionId: string; message: string };
        type: "scratch-gui/alerts/SHOW_EXTENSION_ALERT";
    | { index: number; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERT" }
    | { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERT_WITH_ID" }
    | { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERTS_WITH_ID" }
    | {
        state: Partial<ScratchGUIState["assetDrag"]>;
        type: "scratch-gui/asset-drag/DRAG_UPDATE";
    | {
        areBlocksOverGui: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/block-drag/BLOCK_DRAG_UPDATE";
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/CLOSE_CARDS" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/SHRINK_EXPAND_CARDS" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/VIEW_CARDS" }
    | { activeDeckId: Deck; type: "scratch-gui/cards/ACTIVATE_DECK" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/NEXT_STEP" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/PREV_STEP" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/DRAG_CARD"; x: number; y: number }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/START_DRAG" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/cards/END_DRAG" }
    | {
        callback: ScratchGUIState["colorPicker"]["callback"];
        type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/ACTIVATE_COLOR_PICKER";
    | {
        color: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/DEACTIVATE_COLOR_PICKER";
    | {
        callback: ScratchGUIState["colorPicker"]["callback"];
        type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/SET_CALLBACK";
    | {
        extensionId: string
        | null;
        type: "scratch-gui/connection-modal/setId";
    | {
        mutator: Element;
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PROCEDURES";
        callback(mutation: Element): void;
    | {
        mutator: Element
        | null;
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/DEACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PROCEDURES";
    | {
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/SET_CALLBACK";
        callback(mutation: Element): void;
    | {
        activeTabIndex: ActiveTabIndex;
        type: "scratch-gui/navigation/ACTIVATE_TAB";
    | { loaded: boolean; type: "fontsLoaded/SET_FONTS_LOADED" }
    | {
        spriteId: string | null;
        type: "scratch-gui/hovered-target/SET_HOVERED_SPRITE";
    | {
        receivedBlocks: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/hovered-target/SET_RECEIVED_BLOCKS";
    | { menu: ScratchGUI.Menu; type: "scratch-gui/menus/OPEN_MENU" }
    | { menu: ScratchGUI.Menu; type: "scratch-gui/menus/CLOSE_MENU" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/mic-indicator/UPDATE"; visible: boolean }
    | { modal: ScratchGUI.Modal; type: "scratch-gui/modals/OPEN_MODAL" }
    | { modal: ScratchGUI.Modal; type: "scratch-gui/modals/CLOSE_MODAL" }
    | { isFullScreen: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/mode/SET_FULL_SCREEN" }
    | { isPlayerOnly: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/mode/SET_PLAYER" }
    | {
        lowerEnd: { x: number; y: number };
        monitorId: string;
        savePosition: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/ADD_MONITOR_RECT";
        upperStart: { x: number; y: number };
    | {
        monitorId: string;
        newX: number;
        newY: number;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/MOVE_MONITOR_RECT";
    | {
        monitorId: string;
        newHeight: number;
        newWidth: number;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/RESIZE_MONITOR_RECT";
    | { monitorId: string; type: "scratch-gui/monitors/REMOVE_MONITOR_RECT" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/monitors/RESET_MONITOR_LAYOUT" }
    | { monitors: OrderedMap; type: "scratch-gui/monitors/UPDATE_MONITORS" }
    | {
        changed: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-changed/SET_PROJECT_CHANGED";
    | {
        projectId: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_CREATING_COPY";
    | {
        projectId: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_CREATING_NEW";
    | {
        projectData: ProjectData;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_FETCHING_DEFAULT";
    | {
        projectData: ProjectData;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_FETCHING_WITH_ID";
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_TO_SAVE" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_WITH_ID" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_WITHOUT_ID" }
    | { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_REMIXING" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING_BEFORE_COPY" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING_BEFORE_NEW" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/RETURN_TO_SHOWING" }
    | { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/SET_PROJECT_ID" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_AUTO_UPDATING" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_CREATING_NEW" }
    | { error: unknown; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_ERROR" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_FETCHING_NEW" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_LOADING_VM_FILE_UPLOAD" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_MANUAL_UPDATING" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_REMIXING" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_UPDATING_BEFORE_CREATING_COPY" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_UPDATING_BEFORE_CREATING_NEW" }
    | { title: string; type: "projectTitle/SET_PROJECT_TITLE" }
    | {
        state: ScratchGUIState["restoreDeletion"];
        type: "scratch-gui/restore-deletion/RESTORE_UPDATE";
    | {
        stageSize: StageDisplaySize;
        type: "scratch-gui/StageSize/SET_STAGE_SIZE";
    | {
        editingTarget: string
        | null;
        targets: RenderedTarget[];
        type: "scratch-gui/targets/UPDATE_TARGET_LIST";
    | {
        targetId: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/targets/HIGHLIGHT_TARGET";
        updateTime: number;
    | { id: number
    | null; type: "timeout/SET_AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT_ID" }
    | { toolboxXML: string; type: "scratch-gui/toolbox/UPDATE_TOOLBOX" }
    | { running: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_RUNNING_STATE" }
    | { turbo: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_TURBO_STATE" }
    | { started: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_STARTED_STATE" }
    | { type: "scratch-gui/vm/SET_VM"; vm: VM }
    | {
        scale: number;
        scrollX: number;
        scrollY: number;
        targetID: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/workspace-metrics/UPDATE_METRICS";

Type declaration

  • { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/SHOW_ALERT" }
  • {
        data: { extensionId: string; message: string };
        type: "scratch-gui/alerts/SHOW_EXTENSION_ALERT";
  • { index: number; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERT" }
  • { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERT_WITH_ID" }
  • { alertId: string; type: "scratch-gui/alerts/CLOSE_ALERTS_WITH_ID" }
  • {
        state: Partial<ScratchGUIState["assetDrag"]>;
        type: "scratch-gui/asset-drag/DRAG_UPDATE";
  • { areBlocksOverGui: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/block-drag/BLOCK_DRAG_UPDATE" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/CLOSE_CARDS" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/SHRINK_EXPAND_CARDS" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/VIEW_CARDS" }
  • { activeDeckId: Deck; type: "scratch-gui/cards/ACTIVATE_DECK" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/NEXT_STEP" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/PREV_STEP" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/DRAG_CARD"; x: number; y: number }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/START_DRAG" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/cards/END_DRAG" }
  • {
        callback: ScratchGUIState["colorPicker"]["callback"];
        type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/ACTIVATE_COLOR_PICKER";
  • { color: string; type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/DEACTIVATE_COLOR_PICKER" }
  • {
        callback: ScratchGUIState["colorPicker"]["callback"];
        type: "scratch-gui/color-picker/SET_CALLBACK";
  • { extensionId: string | null; type: "scratch-gui/connection-modal/setId" }
  • {
        mutator: Element;
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PROCEDURES";
        callback(mutation: Element): void;
  • {
        mutator: Element | null;
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/DEACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PROCEDURES";
  • {
        type: "scratch-gui/custom-procedures/SET_CALLBACK";
        callback(mutation: Element): void;
  • { activeTabIndex: ActiveTabIndex; type: "scratch-gui/navigation/ACTIVATE_TAB" }
  • { loaded: boolean; type: "fontsLoaded/SET_FONTS_LOADED" }
  • {
        spriteId: string | null;
        type: "scratch-gui/hovered-target/SET_HOVERED_SPRITE";
  • {
        receivedBlocks: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/hovered-target/SET_RECEIVED_BLOCKS";
  • { menu: ScratchGUI.Menu; type: "scratch-gui/menus/OPEN_MENU" }
  • { menu: ScratchGUI.Menu; type: "scratch-gui/menus/CLOSE_MENU" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/mic-indicator/UPDATE"; visible: boolean }
  • { modal: ScratchGUI.Modal; type: "scratch-gui/modals/OPEN_MODAL" }
  • { modal: ScratchGUI.Modal; type: "scratch-gui/modals/CLOSE_MODAL" }
  • { isFullScreen: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/mode/SET_FULL_SCREEN" }
  • { isPlayerOnly: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/mode/SET_PLAYER" }
  • {
        lowerEnd: { x: number; y: number };
        monitorId: string;
        savePosition: boolean;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/ADD_MONITOR_RECT";
        upperStart: { x: number; y: number };
  • {
        monitorId: string;
        newX: number;
        newY: number;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/MOVE_MONITOR_RECT";
  • {
        monitorId: string;
        newHeight: number;
        newWidth: number;
        type: "scratch-gui/monitors/RESIZE_MONITOR_RECT";
  • { monitorId: string; type: "scratch-gui/monitors/REMOVE_MONITOR_RECT" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/monitors/RESET_MONITOR_LAYOUT" }
  • { monitors: OrderedMap; type: "scratch-gui/monitors/UPDATE_MONITORS" }
  • { changed: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/project-changed/SET_PROJECT_CHANGED" }
  • { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_CREATING_COPY" }
  • { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_CREATING_NEW" }
  • {
        projectData: ProjectData;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_FETCHING_DEFAULT";
  • {
        projectData: ProjectData;
        type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_FETCHING_WITH_ID";
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_TO_SAVE" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_WITH_ID" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_LOADING_VM_WITHOUT_ID" }
  • { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_REMIXING" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING_BEFORE_COPY" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/DONE_UPDATING_BEFORE_NEW" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/RETURN_TO_SHOWING" }
  • { projectId: string; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/SET_PROJECT_ID" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_AUTO_UPDATING" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_CREATING_NEW" }
  • { error: unknown; type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_ERROR" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_FETCHING_NEW" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_LOADING_VM_FILE_UPLOAD" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_MANUAL_UPDATING" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_REMIXING" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_UPDATING_BEFORE_CREATING_COPY" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/project-state/START_UPDATING_BEFORE_CREATING_NEW" }
  • { title: string; type: "projectTitle/SET_PROJECT_TITLE" }
  • {
        state: ScratchGUIState["restoreDeletion"];
        type: "scratch-gui/restore-deletion/RESTORE_UPDATE";
  • { stageSize: StageDisplaySize; type: "scratch-gui/StageSize/SET_STAGE_SIZE" }
    • stageSize: StageDisplaySize

      Should only be large or small.

    • type: "scratch-gui/StageSize/SET_STAGE_SIZE"
  • {
        editingTarget: string | null;
        targets: RenderedTarget[];
        type: "scratch-gui/targets/UPDATE_TARGET_LIST";
  • {
        targetId: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/targets/HIGHLIGHT_TARGET";
        updateTime: number;
    • targetId: string
    • type: "scratch-gui/targets/HIGHLIGHT_TARGET"
    • updateTime: number

      Set to

  • { id: number | null; type: "timeout/SET_AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT_ID" }
  • { toolboxXML: string; type: "scratch-gui/toolbox/UPDATE_TOOLBOX" }
  • { running: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_RUNNING_STATE" }
  • { turbo: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_TURBO_STATE" }
  • { started: boolean; type: "scratch-gui/vm-status/SET_STARTED_STATE" }
  • { type: "scratch-gui/vm/SET_VM"; vm: VM }
  • {
        scale: number;
        scrollX: number;
        scrollY: number;
        targetID: string;
        type: "scratch-gui/workspace-metrics/UPDATE_METRICS";